The updated draft Zoning Ordinance is now available on the Cville Plans Together website.
This consolidated draft combines all three of the draft zoning modules that were shared earlier this year, and provides several updates based on feedback from City staff, the community, the Planning Commission, and City Council.
The Planning Commission will be conducting a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 14 at 4pm to gather public testimony related to the proposed Zoning Ordinance.
The hearing will be held at City Hall, in the Council Chambers (605 East Main St), and virtually, via Zoom.
At this meeting, the Planning Commission will hear public testimony related to the draft Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission will then consider whether to request changes to the draft, or to send it to the City Council for a hearing and vote.
For more information about the hearing, please visit
Also, please note that you can review an overview of community outreach and engagement activities and input received February 3 through June 18.
Below is a screenshot of the Little High Neighborhood with proposed zoning changes. You can drill down and find details on the CPT’s interactive map (or click on the image below).