Our monthly meeting for February will be held on Wednesday, February 23, at 7pm via zoom.
Zoom Access Info
Topic: Little High Neighborhood Association February Meeting
Time: Feb 23, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 835 5709 2704
- Passcode: 593712
(1) the first order of business should be to formally vote on inclusion of new board members (Mary, Christian, Sudi).
(2) Vote to make the revised and updated neighborhood association constitution and bylaws (will be posted here ASAP) effective pending neighborhood comment and feedback.
(3) Board members will divide up into the Neighborhood Association’s various committees we have which are:
- Finance
- Community Building
- Zoning, Growth, and Affordable Housing
- Neighborhood and Local History
- Environmental Sustainability
- Small Business
- Traffic and Safety
Neighborhood residents who are not board members can apply to become a member of any of these committees.
(4) Planning events for spring and summer — coming up with a general plan for what events we want to have and a general timeline for when these would take place.