The LHNA is meeting tonight at 7pm via zoom (access info below). All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We apologize for the extremely late notice.
- New board member Rita Fravel has made a proposal to build a raised garden bed in the Mews and we will take a vote.
- We have a lovely wooden bulletin board for paper notifications of various things pertaining to the neighborhood. We just need to agree on where to put it and what types of flyers are acceptable and what aren’t.
- Garden Day — we will discuss possible dates and how it should be organized to be of greater interest to more residents.
- Our world famous Sumner (not a typo) concert series — we will attempt to hash out the basic outlines of these events.
- Summer neighborhood picnic — we’ll talk about some dates and how we’ll manage the elections for board officers on this occasion.
- Feedback on the new neighborhood Constitution and Bylaws.
- And more!
Zoom Access Info
Topic: Little High Neighborhood Association — March monthly meeting
Time: Mar 23, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 1845 7805
Passcode: 097812