Note: The contents of this post are adapted from an email from Cville Plans Together from October 23, 2023.
At their work session on October 18, the Charlottesville Planning Commission finalized a recommendation to City Council, with several changes proposed for the draft Development Code and Zoning Map. You can learn more about the recommended changes by watching the meeting recording, or by reviewing the materials for the upcoming Council work session on October 25. City Council work sessions do not typically offer the opportunity for public comment but you can attend the meeting in person at City Space on the Downtown Mall or via Zoom (zoom requires advance registration here).
City Council has yet to set a date for a public hearing related to the draft Charlottesville Development Code and Zoning Map. In the meantime, City Council will continue meeting in work sessions to discuss various aspects of the draft Development Code and Zoning Map.
For more information about all meetings, and the draft Charlottesville Development Code and Zoning Map, please visit
Comments, questions, or concerns should be sent to City Council. The City website has a form you can use to email all city councilors at once or you can find the individual email addresses of City Councilors here.