The city of Charlottesville will be collecting leaves at the curbside for residents three times this fall / winter. Leaves have to be “loose” (i.e. unbagged) and you have to consult this chart from the city as to where exactly to put them for pickup. Please note: you are not allowed to put your leaves out more than three days before a scheduled pickup for your zone.
Leaves are collected by zone during a window of a few days. As you can see from the city’s leaf collection zone map below, most of most of the Little High neighborhood falls into Zone A but some of it (the area south of East Market Street to the railroad tracks) falls into Zone C. The use of gas-powered leaf blowers is strongly discouraged due to the noise and carbon emissions.
If you need assistance raking your yard for any reason, please contact the neighborhood association and we will try to arrange some help. If you would like to volunteer to help people rake their yards, please also contact the neighborhood association.
There is also an option to drop off your leaves rather than rely on curbside pickup. See the city’s website for location, available dates, and other details about the drop off option.
Zone A collection schedule
- Oct. 30-Nov. 3;
- Dec. 4-8;
- Jan. 8-12
Zone C collection schedule
- Nov. 13-17;
- Dec. 18-22;
- Jan. 22-26
You can find more information and sign up for text alerts about the leaf pickup schedule on the city’s website.