More Students Walking – Let’s Be Safe!
The local K-12 public school year begins Wednesday, August 24 and this year is going to be a little different: due to the bus driver shortage, there will be about 800 more kids walking and biking to school this year and this is particularly risky because Charlottesville City government has long given low priority to basic infrastructure needs like good sidewalks and bike lanes.
What you can do
- Please be extra careful and patient while driving.
- Consider applying to be a crossing guard, perhaps at an intersection near you! Charlottesville City Schools are open to having “intersection partners” or small teams that share responsibilities for morning and afternoon. Apply now to be a regular or substitute crossing guard!
- Individual schools may post temporary “way-finding” signs (the size of real estate signs) to make sure kids feel confident that they are on the right path as they walk to school. Most signs will be on City rights-of-way, but in some cases, City representatives may knock on doors to get permission to post these temporary signs on private property.
See the Charlottesville City Schools website for more information.